Caratteristiche principali
- flight time: 50 min
- radio link range: 3 Km
- wind resistance: 45 Km/h
- linear landing
- weight: 700g
- Wingspan: 96 cm
- camera 18MP RGB, NIR, RE
- thermal camera LWIR (opt)
- multispectral camera (opt)
- Cruise Speed 40-90km/h
- Maximum coverage in a single flight: 12km2
- Oblique imagery 0 to -50°
- Flight planning & control software (supplied)
eBee Classic The Professional Mapping Drone
eBee was the first drone to obtain the classification of harmlessness from ENAC
Fully autonomous and easy-to-use, senseFly eBee is perfect to capture high-resolution aerial photos that you can transform in orthomosaics(maps) & 3D models.
Fully Automatic:
Automatic 3D flight planning
Hand launch
Image capture
Automatic Landing
SenseFly eBee, designed and produced in Switzerland by a spin-off company of the University of Lausanne now belonging to the Parrot group, is a professional fixed-wing drone for aerial photogrammetric survey and advanced cartographic survey.
Thanks to the self-managed flight plan through the definition of Waypoints, to the flight time of 50 minutes and to the ability to cover 12km2 per flight mission, senseFly eBee greatly expands the survey capacity of its predecessors.
With senseFly eBee it is possible to perform linear landings, take oblique photographs: all images captured with eBee have GPS and IMU data and can be immediately used for photogrammetric processing with APS for the extraction of DSM, DTM and orthophotos with mosaic.
Thanks to its 18MP camera, senseFly eBee is able to take pictures with a ground resolution up to 3cm/pixel.
Thanks to its ultra-light structure, eBee weighs only 700g, the energy of its potential impact is minimal. The modular structure allows to transport senseFly eBee in a small house.